WhatsApp is now available on Google Wear OS smartwatches. Meta discussed it for the first time at the Google I/O conference. According to IANS news, Meta CEO and co-founder Zuckerberg has announced that the first WhatsApp smartwatch app is now available on Wear OS from Wednesday. Users can now start new conversations, reply to messages and take calls from their wrist on Wear OS.
No phone needed to stay connected
Reportedly available on watches running Wear OS 3, users will no longer need their phone to stay connected, and can send messages to friends and family using their voice, emoji, instant replies or text. can answer. The company said that we hope to bring WhatsApp to more devices in the future.
Will be able to reply to messages even without a smartphone
Users will also be able to respond with voice messages, emoji, regular text and instant replies. If they have an LTE-capable Wear OS 3 watch, they\’ll be able to reply to messages even without a smartphone nearby. The release of the Wear OS app now builds momentum for Samsung\’s \’Galaxy Unpacked\’ event next week. Wear OS is being made more attractive for billions of active WhatsApp users.
There are more than 2 billion WhatsApp users
WhatsApp has included many new features in recent times. It is a very popular instant messaging app worldwide. More than 2 billion people on earth use it. WhatsApp is currently working on increasing the username, video call limit, channels, emoji and keyboard redesign. In the coming days, under the official WhatsApp chat, the company is also going to inform the users about the new updates and tips and tricks of the app.
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